Regional WA

Accompanying an Environmental Health Inspector to inspect a local sporting pavilion has given us huge respect for the thorough job they do. This inspection took approximately 40 minutes to complete, slightly longer than normal as the EHO had previously experienced issues with the venue. The canteen was operated seasonally by both the football and cricket associations with a "no man's land" time period between the sporting seasons. During that time the freezer had been turned off, meaning a large bag of previously frozen chips oozed out at our feet when the door was opened.

Australian Food Safety Assessments (AFSA) are extremely time consuming because they are incredibly thorough. EHOs will check areas most of us would not, under ovens, grease traps, range hoods, fridge temperatures, and refuse areas etc.

AFSA inspections can be even more time consuming to process. Inspect can save up to 80% in processing time, freeing up valuable time for Environmental Health inspectors to attend to other matters in their remit.

Rural Rubbish Tips (WA)

Statistics on the types and volume of waste brought to municipal waste disposal facilities in certain shires need to be sent to the Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) each quarter. Collection of these statistics from the tip attendant can be hit and miss at best. Collating them from handwritten charts and scraps of paper is time consuming - in one case occupying a day and a half of the Environmental Health Officer's time.

Inspect can enable the tip attendant to record the cubic metres of bricks, building rubble, green waste etc as each vehicle passes through the gate. One click will automatically provide the statistics in a format required by DWER.

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