The last few months have been catastrophic across Australia. Zoodata’s boss experienced first-hand the dangerous levels (20 times the hazardous limit) of acrid smoke blanketing Canberra (the attached photo was taken not far from our Canberra office) and the eastern seaboard for several months. Fire safety has always been a passion of ours - Inspect was born to assist with firebreak inspections and now caters for any inspection type, including Bushfire Risk Mitigation Audits.
We would love to assist more of our local governments to conduct fire safety measures more efficiently. Unfortunately, we like them, are at the mercy of people passing budgets - many of whom often have no knowledge of the jobs done in the fire safety realm. We suggest they need to know:
the time and cost for each current inspection
the risks and associated costs if inspections are not done correctly (ie legal action)],
associated costs of missing an inspection entirely (including court costs) and
how much time it would take to recoup the cost of investing in Inspect.
We can help you develop your business cases by providing you with a Return on Investment model to present to decision-makers. Feel free to contact us on any of our social media, send us an email at or phone (08) 9485 0725 to receive the Return on Investment spreadsheet.